Enhanced mobile & desktop remote deposit services for businesses
Remote capture your multiple business checks in one deposit from your business' office or virtually, anywhere anytime.
mRdc (mobile Remote deposit capture)
A specialized app that can take your business to the next level!
YouTube video created by ProfitStars EPSRDA
Remote Deposit Capture
Endorsing Your Checks:
- Sign your checks;
- Write “For Mobile Deposit Only” on the back;
- Include the last 3 digits of the account you want the money to be deposited into on the back; and

Desktop Remote Deposit
Use your office computer to scan checks your business receives for deposit with FNB Milaca. Contact us today to discuss how your business can remotely deposit checks right from your office.
How it Works
We’ll provide you with a certified check scanner and web-based software program for your office. Scan any checks for deposit through the program and your checks will be delivered securely to your account.
Benefits & Features
Faster - Immediate deposit processing & reconcilement, eliminating errors and protecting you from fraudulent activity
Lower Costs - Reduces courier costs & employee trips to the bank. No driving costs, no standing in line and 24/7 availability.
Safer – Eliminates the need for handling checks and physically delivering them to the bank.
Secure - Uses multifactor authentication and encryption
Control – You decide when deposits are made offering you improved cash flow.
Research - Historical deposit reports allow you to easily research previous activity.
Consolidate - Your distant branch offices can immediately send deposits directly to your business’s bank account.
Get STarted With our New MRDC or Desktop Remote Deposit by Contacting us today!
Call 320-983-3101 to ask about getting started today!